On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the large Austrian pellet company Brand CEO Matthias Kroell donated 1 pallet of premium pellets to Caritas. Matthias Kroell: “We have been able to do one in the last 10 years establish a successful bio-energy brand in Austria and Italy. It is … with me It is a matter of the heart to share success with people in need to provide assistance in times of high energy prices. Caritas Styria is the right partner, the help is targeted and direct to provide assistance to people in need.” More at www.mypellets.at.

On the photo on the left John Liebminger, Carla Steiermark on the photo on the right Matthias Kroell, CEO of MypremiumPellets at the handover

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the large Austrian pellet company Brand CEO Matthias Kroell donated 1 pallet of premium pellets to Caritas. Matthias Kroell: “We have been able to do one in the last 10 years establish a successful bio-energy brand in Austria and Italy. It is … with me It is a matter of the heart to share success with people in need to provide assistance in times of high energy prices. Caritas Styria is the right partner, the help is targeted and direct to provide assistance to people in need.”